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1 hodnocení = 5.00

1 - Dědek vs. aligátor
Když na tom neumíš, tak na to nelez
2014-05-16 18:28:10
2 - 10 narozeniny největšího výletního plavidla na světě
2014-03-12 13:57:22
3 - Vyhlídková jízda po Plzni
2014-03-12 13:55:38
4 - Loupež po americku
hádam že zas
2014-01-27 16:58:57
5 - Ruská babuška způsobí nehodu
pitcha jedna jebnuta
2014-01-27 16:57:56
6 -
kurva veď to tu bolo min týždeň... *s59* *s59*
2013-09-17 10:19:06
7 - Pouze na dva prstíky
kurva tá ma koľko , 12 ?
2013-09-17 10:11:31
8 - Bazénová parádička
2013-08-15 18:35:19
9 - Multitasking
Ďalší motokár čo je debil...
2013-08-15 18:34:34
10 - Demolice Boingu 727
až na to že toto je 707 ...
2013-08-09 11:59:17
11 - Řidič debil
asi nebol spokojný so službami
2013-08-05 17:35:53
12 - Problém šéfe?
2013-08-05 17:33:58
13 - Jak jsem chtěl otevřít láhev piva v zubech
brávo skoro sa podarilo ty debil
2013-07-26 10:47:09
14 - HGich.T - Moderní DJing
všimol si niekto mimo mňa ten chýbajúci sviečkový kábel ? mimo to samozrejme že je to dement ? :)
2013-07-23 12:11:27
15 - Šutry pod auta
From Arab News? The art of ?tahjir? or raising a car on a platform of stones is a major tourist attraction in Halbah, a town near the Asir Provincial Park. Tahjir involves creatively mounting cars of various sizes on rock platforms in a particular style. In some cases tires are replaced with stones?. It can take between four to seven hours to mount a car on a platform. For larger vehicles, it can take up to 10 hours.
2013-04-19 17:18:12
16 - Meďour vs. Mega bagr
len mne sa to zdá že ten MB tam nemal motor ?
2013-03-22 18:15:11
17 - Nehoda letadla na Ukrajině
to spike6: a keď v Toronte zhorel cely A340 Air France let 358 kde bolo na palube 309 ludi a nikomu sa nič nestalo, to bola tiež blbosť ? ono pred tým než to zhorí sa z toho občas podarí utiecť ;) tu je koment z YT: On July the 10th, 2006 a TU-134 was taking off from an airport in Ukraine when as a result of a bird strike, one of the engines failed and caught fire. The pilot attempted to abort the takeoff, but the plane overran the end of the runway and burst into flames. Out of the 20 occupants, only 3 were injured and the rest walked away with no injuries. plane crash aeroplane crash Here is what the pilots are saying: (thanks vrock8) [The pilots are speaking] [1st pilot]After that... me and the pilot... saw... a flock of seagulls... that took off in front of us... 6 or 8 of them... In a second they flew left past the pilot's cabin and then got sucked into the left engine... the plane started to tilt to the left immediately with the loss of altitude... [2nd pilot]We saw that we didn't have enought space on runway for slowing down, so we started turning to the left... After that we started hitting the ground... lights "alternating overload" flashing on the control panel... [1st pilot] And after that one last, the scariest hit... the horisontal one... after that the plane stopped... I asked the passengers "are you alive?" they answered "alive". The passengers started to exit the plane through the side door and the back door... half of the plane was already on fire at the time. [2nd pilot] When we gave them the command "all away from the plane" nobody panicked, everybody did their best...
2012-12-19 18:32:37
18 - Horváth Hami - Ha nem vagy enyém
po dlhej dobe jeden čo nekradne, alebo nechce niekoho zabiť
2012-09-28 09:30:47
19 - Svatba v Rumunsku
až na to že to nieje ruština...
2012-09-11 14:23:13
20 - Smart Trashbox
týmto pádom sa náš pes doma dohral :)))
2012-07-27 15:17:03

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